
Friday, April 28, 2023





Automote Strand Anomaly Filter (aka. ‘The Music Industry’)


Situation Report:        2042:06:16:09:38:14.000 UTC

Report #:                    A835F5D23111 – 00000C2

:                     MachInt directs human socio-economic activity to maintain stability, order, and a fulfilling flow through engaging zones. Advancement continues, following a path pre-determined ad infinitum by MachInt. Earth’s human populations lead meaningful lives, developed and maintained by MachInt, freed from the shackles of history.
Unanticipated human activity, when an individual or group exits The Box to comment on, adjust or alter a social, genetic or scientific frame, occurs rarely. These excursions have ramifications in two domains:
1. Re-framings in isolation have little impact on the designated path of history. However unincorporated reframings have potential to accumulate and trigger major shifts in HumanInt which have capacity to undermine the meaning of society as a machine-human construct (though this has never happened).
2. Society’s investment/commitment to progressing advancement give to minor human variations of interpretation/re-framing massive financial/power potential that can be leveraged by any of the six autonomous strands of MachInt contributing and competing to direct the future.

HumanInt Update
:           **** emerging social context frame (potential: global) ****

Epicentre:                            Eastern Europe, Budapest, district III.
Responsible human subject remains in situ:
 - average distance from epicentre:         1.27 km
 - maximum distance from epicentre:      27.82 km

Activity:                Absent abnormal stimulation, human subject exited The Box, posting (‘bombing’) a unique interpretation of society to a physical wall in clear public view.
Preliminary MachInt analysis of the ‘bomb’:
 - uniqueness:                    19.92% (database)
 - novelty:                          28.65% (database)
 - distraction:                     67.38% (passers-by)
 - transferability:                100% (2D monochrome)
 - replicability:                   100%/89% (2D/3D formats)

Artefact:              The tagged interpretation (‘piece’) reframes the relationship between the human as individual and the society as a machine-human construct, in a monochrome 2D context readily interpreted by other human individuals but of a form not previously observed, interpreted and/or coded into MachInt. Neural and social activity amongst humans following an encounter with the piece ripples with nuance and novelty.
The piece functions as an epicentre of wave generation. Located proximate to several well-frequented un-official public art sites, and to a public transport facility (metro-spoke). The piece and/or ripples trigger facsimiles/interpretations in multiple media, none of which has yet progressed the original bomb, nor formed a subsidiary epicentre.
Early analysis indicates an anomaly that is open to re-interpretation and that barring intervention such interpretation is imminent. Early observation of effect suggests the piece temporarily raises the amusement level of most humans. No enduring lift to amusement levels is apparent.
The artist (‘graff head’) appears unaffected, exhibits no anomalous behaviour, and in common with other humans affected, exhibits no comprehension of the anomalous nature of the artwork.

Response activity:            The Automote Strand Anomaly Filter assesses that, amongst the strands, Automote has the most accurate fix on the emerging reframe. The response (or lack thereof) of two of the major strands (Stasis and Meta-Static) corresponds to a misreading of the situation as a multi-bit-flip or cosmic ray event to be evened out with error code correction. The third major (motion) has engaged with a minor strand (Firstlaw) to investigate the anomaly but activity suggests their investigation has misdirected towards a facsimile (generating feedback insufficient to establish an alternative epicentre or trigger a chain reaction). The remaining two minor strands (Tangent and Bigwheel) are yet to acquire a flow reading triangulating the anomaly.
Automote Strand will augment activity to diminish the attention and focus of other strands towards this anomaly of potentially global significance. Automote Field will:
 - falsely lay an error trail consistent with gamma ray activity at a location proximate to but isolated from the anomaly, to accentuate the Stasis/Meta-Static misdirection
 - generate artificial feedback around the non-epicentral facsimile of the artwork, to further distract/delay the Firstlaw/motion investigation
 - isolate the anomaly to the extent possible without alerting other strands

         ****    Exploitation and Acquisition strategy   ****

Exploiting the anomaly necessitates isolation, analysis and interpretation of the epicentral artwork and its ‘tag’. To enable anticipating and informing adjustment to the path of the future prior to the piece’s uninhibited reveal and associated HumanInt reframing.
Early analysis and interpretation of the reveal and associated HumanInt reframing will enable leverage over the initial and anticipation of the consequent reallocation (and revaluing) of resources.

1. Engage with the human creator (‘graff head’) of the anomaly and the local authority with control of the relevant public space to acquire rights to the piece and derivatives thereof and protect it.
2. Contract the graff head to produce artwork (to ‘bomb’) exclusively for Automote.
3. With copyright secured, raise the isolation level around the anomaly and contain the ripple effects of nuance and novelty (ie. ‘go underground’).
4. Alert other strands to the anomaly and Automote’s exclusive right to possession thereof.
5. Conduct in-depth analysis and interpretation.
6. Calculate adjustment to future advancement
7. Acquire leverage based on analysis, interpretation and prior knowledge of the adjusted future.
8. Apply leverage to maximise returns from calculated revaluation of resources post-release.
9. Release.

Automote estimates the surplus capital generated through acquisition and exploitation at .01295% of total strand value:
 - proportion of total capital allocated to process:                0.007%
 - cost of allocation:                                                              0.00037%
 - leverage raising as proportion of total capital:                  0.027%
 - cost of leverage:                                                                0.00148%
 - return on capital:                                                               42.30%
 - return as proportion of total capital:                                  0.01295%

On completion Automote will have improved likelihood of attaining major strand status by 0.014%.


Situation Report ENDS




  1. Mind blowing stuff/ new genre?? Very funny too. Reader enjoyment level high.

  2. I somehow wanna meet the Budapest troublemaker!
